Some Patents We Have Obtained

See samples of patents we have obtained arranged by technology

See nearly all of the more than 800 patents that we have obtained

Clicking on the bar below (“See Our Patents”) returns search results from the web site of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. The results are a list of nearly all the patents we have obtained with a link to each patent. The number of patents exceeds 800 arranged in reverse numerical order (most recent first) with 50 patents listed per page (you can select more).

When the results are returned, which may take several seconds, click on a patent number or title and you go to a text version. Then click on “Image” near the top center of the page and you view the first page of the printed patent. Then click on “Full Pages” (left side) to view the entire printed patent. You can download the patent as a PDF file.

See Our Patents